
Launch of COVID 19 Vaccination

Anando Sangbad Live: Today, Government of West Bengal has launched COVID 19 vaccination program simultaneously at 207 sites across the State and 20,000 health care workers shall be vaccinated during today’s exercise. In the first phase of vaccination, priority has been accorded to all the persons working in the health care setting which includes our doctors, nurses, hospital support staff, students, ANMs, ASHAs, etc. At a program organized centrally from Nabanna, Hon’ble Chief Minister virtually – telephonically addressed all the doctors, nurses, hospital support staff, students, ANMs / ASHAs who had assembled at those 207 sites. In her address, Hon’ble Chief Minister mentioned that she was very thankful to the health care workers of the State for standing strong during the time of pandemic and providing medical treatment to COVID affected persons as well as continuing with other medical services. All the frontline workers (including the health workers, police workers, other field workers, etc.) have had risked their lives to serve the people of West Bengal in this unprecedented crisis.

She mentioned that many have lost their lives , many have lost the lives of their near and dear ones . Yet , the health workers , police workers , other frontline workers have kept on fighting this greatest battle of humanity . It has been almost a year now and yet the battle goes on , she added . She mentioned that she has already requested the Government of India to supply adequate number of vaccines for not only the frontline workers but also for all the people of West Bengal . She strongly felt that all the people of West Bengal should get vaccines free of cost as early as possible . If needed , the State might bear the financial burden . Hon’ble Chief Minister profusely thanked the anganwadi workers , the ANM and ASHA workers for their tireless efforts . The programme today was attended by many prominent doctors of both the Government sector and the private sector as well as scores of nurses and all strata of medical staff across the State . Apart from the senior secretaries and officials of Health & Family Welfare Department , senior police officials were also present in the programme .

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