Anando Sangbad Live:Kolkata Anubhab in collaboration with Ministry of Culture,Govt.Of India Organized a cultural event, “A Journey into the Vibrant World Of Lalitkala at Rotary Sadan, Kolkata on 28th October,2020.

The Cultural programme began with the main attraction of this year’s programme, that is Dance Drama in the Odissi Classical Dance Style and which show-cased the varied aesthetic aspects of Odissi Classical Dance and Theatrical Arts. The Dance Drama was directed by Smt. Bijoya Dutt, Disciple of Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra & Guru Poushali Mukherjee and Shri Rajib Bhattacharya, Disciple of Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra & Guru Ratikanta Mahapatra. The Audio Voice was rendered by the mesmerizing voice of Theatre and Mime Exponent, Mrs.Krishna Dutt and Shri Rajib Bhattacharya,Odissi Dance Exponent. The concept of the Dance Drama was , the freedom, dignity and the awakening of the inner soul of every woman and how Sister Nibedita was an exemplary figure for the spread of women literacy during the first decade of the twentieth century. Sister Nibedita was greatly influenced by the preachings of Swami Vivekananda and contributed significantly towards women’s education inspite of the adversities and obstacles faced by her , in her journey to spread women education she finally succeeded in establishing her vision of women education. Her education was based on ‘national consciousness’ so that the women could be developed for a greater social potentiality so that they could play a much greater role socially and nationally. The Dance Drama was given a theatrical form by incorporating , the dramatic conversation between Swami Vivekananda and Sister Nibedita, that was wonderfully enacted by Shri Sayan Dutta, student of ‘Kolkata Anubhav’, who had played the role of Swami Vivekananda and Smt. Bijoya Dutt, Odissi Dance Exponent, who had played the role of Sister Nibedita. The choreographic aesthetic of the Dance Drama would give an ecstatic experience to the audience. The gestures and moves of the respective dancers were fluid, dynamic, precise, graceful, musical and rhythmic. The overwhelming performance of all the participants, namely Smt. Bijoya Dutt, Shri Rajib Bhattacharya and Shri Sayan Dutta , who were an integral part of the Dance Drama had breathed life into the characters. The overall presentation of the entire production was praiseworthy.