
Techno India Group Schools Go Beyond Basics to Nurture Budding Talents

✍️By Special Correspondent

With the ongoing pandemic, all of us have been exposed to various adversities which have pulled a plug on a number of activities. More specifically, the young minds are going through a lot of trials and tribulations. So,in an effort to free them of the burden and break the monotony of their daily routine,Techno India Group Public School under the mentorship of Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury always thought of engaging the young minds with new ideas and challenges. Each schools under the Techno India has taken initiative to host various online competitions and events in the past few months. Keeping the festive spirits alive, the school also celebrated virtual Durga Utsav on 8th October.
In order to rejoice the divine blessings of Ma Durga, students of TIGPS, through their various exemplary performances, spread the light of positivity around by defeating the evil. They engaged in dance, music, painting and recitation competitions.

TIGPS Garia , TIGPS Mankundu, Techno India Sima Devi Public School, Guptipara, TIGPS Burdwan, TIGPS Balurghat, TIGPS Ariadaha, TIGPS Konnagar ,few of the many schools has always been a lighthouse helping students to proceed in the right direction
Stratosphere Education, couselling program the Higher education subjects, Career pathways,professional course for students 11 & 12 to guide them through were conducted .Online Exhibition was organized for students of classes 6 to 8. Itwas a phenomenal initiative taken jointly by the teachers and the students, where theyoung ladies and gentlemen got an opportunity to showcase their innate talent.

Theenthusiasm, endurance and skillfultechniques of the students made the virtualpresentation a grand success. It also organized a Parents and Students Duo Competition on 11th September for classes 3 to 5, where students as well as their parents performed with high vigor and enthusiasm.The support and motivation of the parents took the entire presentation to a different level altogether. An online salad dressing competition “Toss forHealth” was organized to bring out the little chef within students of classes 1 to 3, and to help them gaining aesthetic pleasure amidst the pressure of regular academic classes. In order to instill the seeds of reusing in the minds of the students, an online competition “BestOut of Waste” was organized for classes 3 to 5.

Each blooming flower sows the seed of hope and happiness around. On this note, students participated in a flower decoration competition “Blossom to Bloom.” They enthusiastically took part in a virtual exhibition to showcase their dexterity in painting.The children of TIGPS have always stood firm against all adversities, with their enthusiastic and dynamic spirit. Even in the dark days of pandemic, they have whole heartedly participated in various activities with great joy and vitality. Techno India Group Public Schools have always been instrumental in fostering the learning process through balanced participation in both academic and extra-curricular activities.
Prof.Manoshi Roychowdhury , an inspiring educationist sets out to translate her ambition & dream into reality. With more than 2 decades of experience in the field of education, a passionate leader set out on her mission and singlehandedly anchored the schools firmly. She feels that quality education must be nurtured in the young minds. Every opportunity must be used to build up the adaptability of every situations.She strongly believes that every one is gifted and she takes every step to nurture their promising minds through a number of engrossing activities like dancing, singing, quiz, playing instruments, and many more to set a different benchmark for the school and students.

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