Anando Sangbad Live:India is a country where we found women goddesses are mostly worshiped. They are remarked as the symbol of power, wealth,
knowledge and wisdom whereas the reality is slightly different in our daily lives. Here we have to struggle everyday to prove our identity as a human being. To embark the journey of the Avatars of Goddess Durga, the hardships they went through every single day ‘SHE‘ in association with ‘Best Friends Society’ has launched “Abused Durga” 2020 – 2021 Calendar.

Abused Durga is basically a 14 page calendar, remarks an initiative to raise awareness on of how women are being triggered during the pandemic as well as in their daily lives and somehow always has been a victim of Sexual physical & mental torture. Violence perpetrated on women in the home and outside the home has adverse effects on individuals within the family and society in general both in emotional and physical wellbeing. Sexual abuse is also a significant aspect of domestic violence.

Maa Durga is considered as an epitome of women power and confidence. Every year we eagerly wait to worship Maa Durga and her divine power and seek blessings for the courage and power to right all the wrongs. But amidst everything we all forget about the Devi residing at our home as the avatars of Godess be it like a mother, sister, a wife, a daughter and even a servant. We need to stop objectifying them and start accepting them as a woman and above all a human being. The models in the calendar have beautifully portrayed the success and struggles of women in their everyday life. Among the models in Calender we had on board Groomer & panic expert Payal Varma , Winner of King Queen Ajanta Chakladar, Entrepreneur Shafquat Kamal and young teenage model Aarushi Varma. The Calendar will take us on roller coaster emotional ride portraying all the aspects of women’s life including their lips to cheeks smile moments to their heart wrenching struggles.

To support the cause they had gotten Sri Gautam De (Regional Director, ICCR), Srimati Papia Adhikari (Actress & Cine Star), Srimati Sushmeli Dutta (poet) as Guest of Honour
Not only this, the campaign also had a Poetry competition where around 93 poems were submitted from all over India and a special classical dance competitions was also arranged on this subject. Among them 4 best poetry were selected to be receipted at the event.

“Abused Durga is journey of every women be it housewife or working women, it’s we who are being tortured mentally and physically both. Every day be it social media or newspaper we always see some kind of torture the girls are going through. My initiative to launch this calendar is to raise awareness of various subject and my platform SHE is the answer to all “said Shagufta Hanaphie, the Founder of SHE.