
MRC is eastern India’s first-of-its-kind privately run inpatient integrated rehab

Kolkata, 13 September 2021: Medical Rehabilitation Centre celebrated a journey which began with a rare known concept of ‘Neuro Ortho Rehab’ 20years ago, in the presence of Shri Javed Khan, Minister of Disaster Management, WB Govt, renowned singer and lyricist Chandril Bhattacharya and Mr. Rajiv Sinha, Chairman, WBIDC, and Ex-Chief Secretary, WB Govt today.

Only a few Neuro Ortho Rehabs were present in Eastern India 20years back. MRC is the first inpatient Integrated rehab centre which started catering services with multidisciplinary pain and paralysis (stroke, spinal injury, Arthritis and pain) treatment with well-equipped modern therapeutic rehab unit and cured even those patients who got no remedial means from other specialities of medicine. It was the first such rehab to be incorporated with rehab medicine, rehab surgeries, a team of therapists like physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Psycho cognitive therapy, Speech therapy; diet therapy, orthotics etc. and such integrated treatment resulted in miraculous outcomes and brought back those bedridden rejected patients to the normal rhythm of life.Nearly 10 thousand fully bedridden paralysed patients and more than 80 thousand of pain and other ailments have been successfully treated and rehabilitated through this centre till date.

On the auspicious occasion of Foundation Day of MRC, Founder, Dr. M.M Ghatak said, “Rehabs are usually known to be a treatment centre for alcohol and drug addicts, but for the past 20years we have wanted to alter the concept and used it for the benefit of neuro ortho patients. We have also taken a pledge to treat 20 such patients who belong to a humble background this year. Our earnest gratitude to the dignitaries present today and we hope to remain as a torch-bearer in the field of neuro orthopaedic science with their grace with and aim to treat an ample number of patients in the years to come.”

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