It has been a lifelong mission for renowned actor/activist/teacher of method acting, Bobby Chakraborty, to raise awareness against all sorts of addiction(smoking, alcoholism,smart phone)and harmful social trends(abusive language,obscenity online, online gambling,ragging,bullying) among the youth, globally, since the demise of his uncle at the age of 29,due to addiction. His free of cost, award winning awareness program, ‘I AM THE KING OF MY MIND’ has won hearts and opened the eyes of millions of young boys and girls globally.

Nov 17th, 2023,was an opportunity for the 7th and 8th graders of M. C. Kejriwal Vidyapeeth, Howrah, one of the leading schools in West Bengal, to experience the adrenaline rush ,of being included as soldiers,in the army of their beloved ‘BobbyDada’.

It’s not only the responsibility of one individual like Bobby to fight against these evils in the society. It is our collective responsibility. That’s exactly the vibe we got from the extremely effective way …the Chairman of MCKV- Kishan Kumar Kejriwal , the Director-Neelkantha Gupta, The Principal – Mallika Mukherjee, The Headmaster – Biswajit Majumdar and their able team of coordinators, comprising of Amrita Ma’am, Sanghamitra Ma’am, Debjani Ma’am and others, organised this motivational adda session of Bobby, in their school, for the benefit of their students.
The official photographer of this powerful session was Kanishk Kumar Dokania, an extremely well mannered, obedient and hardworking student of the 8th grade, who was assisted by Vedang Damani of the same class.
The enthusiasm, participation and interaction from the students poured over, as Bobby took stage and addressed these pertinent issues of addiction and harmful trends,those are destroying the generation. The noteworthy among them were Sanskar, Sattyaki, Saptarshi, Aarav, Pratyush, Anubhav, Nikunj, Pradyum, Soham, Vedang and Akshat among many others.

The extremely important ceremonial titles of ‘the 1st soldier’ and ‘the trendsetter’ went to Vedang and Tanmay respectively.
The surprise contest at the end had Akshat, Dhruvv and Ujjwal as the winners, who ,along with Kanishk, were given special prizes,customised HCF(health-career-family) t-shirts and Community Service Certificates by their ‘BobbyDada’.
To summarise the session , the soldiers learnt to keep the ‘HCF’ formula and the mantra ‘I am the king of my mind’,as a lifelong priority.
The session ended…with a warm and motivational vote of thanks by the dynamic Director, Neelkantha Gupta, who was all in praise for the selfless efforts of Bobby, to build a better society…after which the little soldiers thronged around and mobbed their BobbyDada,with a lot of love and affection, for a selfie , autograph, shake of hands and a warm hug.