
Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India Ties Up With iLEAD in An Endeavor to Engage with the Youth

May 11th 2022, Kolkata: For the first time the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, is tying up with a college in Kolkata in an outreach program to engage with the youth.

Celebrating ‘Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ this year in the event of 75th anniversary of our independence and to further boost the initiatives of ‘Dekho Apna Desh’ and ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ among the youth, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has associated with iLEAD (Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship And Development) for one of the biggest college fest of Kolkata, Managedia 2022.

Dr. Sagnik Chowdhury, Regional Director (East) & Deputy Director General, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India said, “The world looks at India with hope and faith. Because, India’s demography is young, the mind of India is also young. There is youth in India’s potential, and in its dreams. India is young in its thoughts as well as in its consciousness. India’s thinking and philosophy have always accepted change and there is modernity in its antiquity.  Youth of the country have always come forward in times of need. Whenever the national consciousness gets divided, youth come and stitch the country in the thread of unity-which made India ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat’. Collaborating in events like Managedia gives us the opportunity to involve students in meaningful initiatives on the themes of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat, Dekho Apna Desh etc. which would definitely make them proud of their country, her legends and lore.”

This Managedia is about re-discovering the unexplored diversities of India and the youth talent. Speaking about it, Mr. Pradip Chopra, Chairman of iLEAD said, “It is a great honour for iLEAD to associate with the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, for Kolkata’s biggest college fest, Managedia 2022. This association would present a great opportunity to our students to get to know and explore India. Also, this engagement with the youth will enable us to discover India through their eyes and ideas. It’s an incredible opportunity to know today’s young India.”

The students of Bengal at the event will explore the tourism sector focusing on the diverse nature and culture of India through various rounds of media, management, social media, film and photography, culinary, cultural, design and more. These rounds would require participants to compete in assigned tasks related to Advertising and PR, Journalism, Ad film making, vlogging, social media campaign, film and photography, drama and cooking.

This year at Managedia, 40+ colleges will be participating in 50+ events. The grand occasion will witness creativity and futuristic ideas through the lens of the next generation. All contents created by the winners will be shared with the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, with copyright declaration by the student creators for tourism promotional purpose.

50 winners from the rounds organized by iLEAD in association with the ministry will be rewarded with an all-inclusive 3 days 2 nights study tour to the North-East India by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.

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