
Free Books & Clothes Distribution

Anando Sangbad Live: ‘Bestfriendz Society’ today organised a unique event for less priviledged stuents from class Kg to class x at BestFriendzKhidderpore .From school Books to novels , from food to daily needs , from clothes to art and craft , shoes , accessories to stationaries everything was there .

All students were asked to collect three things of thier choice amongst the displayed items . Around 750 plus students had the opportunity given by Bestfriendz to personally select whichever Books and other usefull things they wanted .

According to Shagufta Hanaphie Co Founder of Bestfriendz ” Educate & empower are two words that Best Friendz strongly belives in . This projrect was conceptualized to study the needs of the children . We were eager to find out that what is the actual need and requirements for the children and to our surprise we are very happy that maximum of them have taken books as their priority . The girls from minority section have taken more interest in books rather than in clothes . Its make us feel proud that the new genaration of ours are more concern about the education than clothes.

We sincerely thanks Sanjay Giri of MatrixModern School to sponsor Books ,PayalVarma to help with Snacks for children , Tasu Ali to attend the event and donate groceries along with our co – founders without them the entire effort of this event wouldnt have succceeded.

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