
How to keep your kids entertained during winter vacation

“Winter has come” The most exciting and enjoyable phase of the year has begun! Winter drives us to prepare seasonal foods such as hot pakodas and soups, dress in woollen sweaters and scarves, and head outdoors on adventurous trips with friends and family. During winter breaks, few kids are travelling with their families and remaining few are at home. During such times they tend to become restless and bored sitting at home; therefore, you must keep them occupied with fun-filled activities indoors and outdoors.

It is essential to keep your surroundings clean during the winter since it invites unwanted germ-causing diseases. Nalini, a paediatrician, says, “Winters are usually when kids are low on immunity. Maintaining a squeaky-clean house can help prevent seasonal flu. Make sure to clean the floor regularly as kids have the habit of grabbing things laying on the floor and putting it in their mouth or touching or carrying around the things on the floor and keeping it everywhere which in turn spreads germs and bacteria. Therefore, I suggest using a herbal, neem based floor cleaner like Nimyle that has 100% natural action and keeps germs and bacteria at bay.”

While you have noted on the expert tip, here are a few indoor and outdoor activities to keep children involved during their winter break:

Winter Walk: Develop a routine of going on morning jogs or free hand exercises for kids to a nearby playground or park. This helps children feel refreshed and energised. If you have any pets, take them along as well. A daily 30-minute walk increases muscular endurance and cardiovascular health.

Painting/Colouring: It is commonly recognised that art can have special impacts on the human body, both psychologically and physically. Children may express ideas, feel emotions, use their senses, learn about colour, investigate processes and results, and produce beautiful works of art and experiences by painting. Children can hone their fine motor abilities by colouring and drawing. It increases mental acuity and sharpens focus.

Reading: Both children and adults can benefit greatly from reading. Reading enables kids to concentrate and focus better. The finest way to broaden one’s vocabulary and general knowledge can be through this. Reading is also believed to make people feel less stressed and sleep better. Reading also teaches children empathy as they empathise with the character in the story.

Playing Indoor Games: Parents and children can bond over playing indoor games. Chess, carrom, solving puzzles, table tennis, board games, card games etc.. Some indoor games are designed solely to improve the brain’s capacity for problem-solving so that it can maintain mental agility for years to come.

Cosy Corner: Creating an interesting space in the house by involving your kids will make them more active. Help them construct an indoor cozy corner in their room like a small tent, it is not only fun but also engaging in many ways. This activity will help children develop a sense of imagination. This corner can be used as a reading spot or a mini-play area for the kids.

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