
Women Empowerment in the field of Cricket: TCL Women Cricket Season 2

Anando Sangbad Live:Second time ever in PAN INDIA, DITVIAAN in association with ICAB (Indoor Cricket Association Of Bengal) brought an opportunity for female players playing professionally , a chance to come forward and showcase their cricket skills and their talent towards the sport. The event was extensively about Women Empowerment, Women Entrepreneurship and Women Leadership. The event had guests from different fields and also the event promised to give chance to the players in Bengal Team Squad if selected.

Following the practice by cricket Australia who recently organized indoor cricket world cup ICAB wants to encourage indoor cricket and mostly in the women’s section. Speaking on the occasion, the guest of honor, Mr. Aparup Chakraborty (president of ICAB, Match Commissioner of AIFF) expressed his love for this kind of cricket and his vision was to develop women’s cricket and want to make a supply source for the Bengal Team Squad. According to him, “ Indoor Cricket improves the techniques of playing which will help the players in the outdoor cricket as there are some commonality. Indoor Cricket will also provide a supply line for the CAB.” His vision is to continue this type of tournament, and provide an exposure for the players and make a strong team for Bengal.

Mr. Vivek Agarwal (Founder and President – DITVIAAN , President – TCL INDIA Womens Cricket , part of ICAB) said that this kind of event should happen more often so that more women can be a part of it.

“Women in our country have always been underestimated when it comes to certain professional fields, so we are trying our best to provide a platform where they can showcase their talent. We would like to wish good luck to all the participants and thank all of them who have come forward and joined hands with us to support these talented girls,’’ said Himanshu Rohra, Co founder, TCL

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