✍️By Special Correspondent
The Indo American Chamber of Commerce, East India Council (IACC, EIC) conducted an informative and gripping session on B1 & F1 Visa processes today (i.e Wednesday, December 21, 2022) at a city hotel.

The Hon’ble Consul General of USA in Kolkata, H.E Ms. Melinda Pavek, was the Chief Guest for the session, accompanied by the new Consular Chief, Ms. Anne Vasquez as the Guest of Honor for the
afternoon. The session also had gripping and informative inputs from USIEF (United States International Educational Fund) advisors, Ms. Unnati Singhania and Mr. Itihaas Singh as part of the panel of speakers.
IACC Regional President (2022-23) Dr. Sujoy Biswas in his opening remarks highlighted the pivotal topic of US Visa processing and waiting. He remarked his intent on addressing the issue with the
Consulate to streamline and assist the Chamber members in fulfilling their visa requisites in the future During the address, the Hon’ble US Consul General, Ms. Melinda Pavek , remarked on the US Visa
processes and regulations pertaining to Visa applications and appointments. The rising interest of the audience in having their ‘Visa’ woes answered was laid to rest by the gracious Ms. Anne Vasquez, Chief
Consular officer of US Consulate, Kolkata. Ms. Vasquez highlighted and stressed the importance of applying for B1 & F1 visas through smaller cities or towns, and stated that owing to the rising number of
applications in the city it always helps to apply through other regional US Consulates for quicker processing and less waiting time.
The dynamic speakers from USIEF, Ms. Unnati Singhania and Mr. Itihaas Singh, explained the role of the USIEF in facilitating students in a complete 360 degree manner, right from selection of courses, to applications, available scholarships, life in the USA and the likes.
This gripping session was attended by many city luminaries, and students alike. Through this seminar, the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, East India provided a suitable platform for all attendees to get a direct communication opportunity with the US Consulate officials.