✍️By Special Correspondent
Kolkata’s own senior Odissi virtuoso, Guru Sanchita Bhattacharya recently completed her mega USA tour performing in connoisseur venues like Chicago, Arcosanti -Arizona , Las Vegas, New Jersey, Allentown , Nashville etc and once again earned huge accolades and standing ovations for her stellar performance of Draupadi and of Durga .

This time , in every city she had trained a substantial group of dancers ( 10 to 30 dancers depending on the stage ) to accompany her in both Durga and her electrifying dance theater The Draupadi Phenomenon thus propagating her mission of taking Indian culture far and wide and also involving the generation next. Audiences all over opined that the performance were probably one of the best , they ever saw . A life dedicated to dance , Sanchita opines that with the celebration of Indian dance , philosophy and festivals world wide , among all ethnicities specially declaring October as the Indian festival Month , speaks loud that we are at our Zenith .