Anando Sangbad Live:Netwood OTT have rescheduled the “Netwood Stars Hunt” – Phase II (physical auditions) to March 2021, the auditions shall take place at Bhubaneswar, Raipur, Bhopal and Indore. Due to the prevailing directive provided by the respective State Governments, Netwood in compliance with Government’s rules and regulation had to postpone “Netwood Stars Hunt “- Phase II – (Physical auditions). Physical talent hunt would entail a very large gathering at the venue, which may cause health disaster and infringement of laid down rules. State Governments of Odisha, Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh have prohibited such gatherings with the exception of public services.
Netwood in compliance with State Government orders have rescheduled the physical auditions to March 2021.
However, with the Online auditions which is successfully being organized Netwood is carrying on with them and giving opportunity for all contestants to continue their participation and selection process of online keeping their own health concerns in mind.
Netwood is an OTT platform for young aspiring talent in almost all creative genres in the entertainment industry providing an opportunity to make it big in the entertainment world. Netwood is a video streaming and sharing content provider including mainstream national and international movies and entertainment as well as OTT originals providing wholesome entertainment catering to all segments, strata and target audience. Never has the entertainment industry been in such an overwhelming state of flux as now. The ‘world’ is literally a stage today and technology has played a pivotal role in this revolution. Modern technology enabled the ordinary people too to be entertained at home.
Netwood Stars Hunt – Phase II physical auditions New Schedule:-
Bhubaneshwar – 10, 11 March 2021
Raipur – 13, 14 March 2021
Bhopal – 16, 17 March 2021
Indore – 19, 20 March 2021