
Dr.Uppal Hazra’s advise on COVID-19

I share my doctors friends and seniors that COVID-19 can be controlled by conservative drug such as chloroquine and quinoline drug which are anti inflammatory and anti infective even against aafb or afb bacillus also. It should be used where macrolides are failure. In this procedure success rate maybe effective and high. This chloroquine and quoline derivative drugs more or less effective as anti collagenic procedures or in case of collegen vascular diseases in various grade manly in case of uses chloroquine. These drugs should be used in case of where macrolides are failure.

Dr.Uppal Hazra,M.B.B.S.,R.G. Kar MCH(Cal),Post Graduate Diploma in Health Sciences in Medical Cosmetology (Under Faculty Of Medicine, Annamalai University,Rajah Muthiah Institute of Health Sciences,TN)
Registration Number:59423WBMC

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