
CMRI in the Second Wave

Hospitals have been struggling to cope up with the challenges that came along with the Second Wave of Covid-19. The reason being this time unlike the first wave patients were arriving in a more critical condition with oxygen level drooping. So scaling up hospital infrastructure, human resource and setting up processes as quickly as possible became imperative. However, now the helter-skelter for bed seems to be over but the average length of stay in the ICU and critical care beds shows stills occupied to its full capacity.

 When asked about the situational difference in the second wave from the first wave Dr. Simmardeep Gill, the COO of CK Birla Hospitals opines that” Yes, we are still learning, the first wave taught us some valuable lessons, which we have implemented. We have been more prompt in setting up processes and scaling up our infrastructure this time. Having our Satellite Center in action to have helped the patients. I would say we were more in control this time. We vaccinated since most of our colleagues and health care force this year, the support system did better to tide through this very turbulent second wave. Having the best pulmonologist team our patients have walked out of the hospitals with excellent clinical outcomes has been our only inspiration to keep on the fight. Though the mortality has been high among young demography this year, I feel that the need of the hour is a robust vaccination program with the support of authorities. Looking at the rate of vaccination, I am worried about the Post Covid situation and the third wave as it is a matter of discussion among our clinician fraternity. Another concern is people should not self-medicate they should ask the expert for and maximumly use tele consultation. Keeping a positive attitude based on scientific faith let us keep our chin high and fight it out.”

With the rising mortality rate during the second phase, Dr. Raja Dhar, Head of the Pulmonology Department, CMRI explains “When it comes to respiratory virus, it mutates itself while coming in contact with an individual from another .The mutated strain gets stronger with its rapid transmission. In the second wave, the transmissibility of the virus is greater. There are some new symptoms like low saturation in individuals, red rashes on different body parts, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting along with fever, headache etc. There are instances where people are getting affected without having fever. During the second wave, people are coming very late to the hospitals. With oxygen supply and tablet medications, they wait for the disease to get better automatically which is not recommended at all. Even for home monitoring, people should get in touch with their doctors  virtually and keep monitoring their saturation level or come to the   hospital as soon as they notice  surging temperature and the saturation level is below 95. In this way, the cytokinin surge can be in control. Since the virus is still mutating state we should not lower our guards even if the peak drops. I would also like to emphasis that with the vaccination program on the go one should take vaccine wherever available and not be choosy about it. Follow the Covid appropriate behavior since it is the mantra of the day. ”

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