Anando Sangbad Live: With India emerging a nascent superpower, delivering Covid vaccines to the developed nations of the West, and also consolidating its position in the World Economy, its time to acknowledge some glorious events of the past that holds military triumph as well. On the 10th of March 2021, Fort William Kolkata witnessed the grand commeration of the 50th year or the golden jubilee of the 1971 Indo Pak-war and as a part of the Swarnima Vijay Varsh celebrations the military, air and naval forces came together to put up a rare event, where weapons and equipments used during the war were kept on display, along with models of naval warships and an honorific flypast by Su-30 MKI aircraft by the Indian Air Force at the Royal Calcutta turf Club (RCTC). Students of JD Birla Institute witnessed this historic memorial event and came to know about the glorious military process of India. Indeed, it’s a moment of great pride for us all.