
Book Launch of Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das

✍️By Special Correspondent

The book titled “A new voyage with real homoeopathy” by eminent physician Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das was formally released today afternoon at Shankha Ghosh Mukta Mancha, International Book Fair Kolkata.

Emcee Smt. Paramita Banerjee welcomed all. Rev. Fr. Dr. Franklin Menezes introduced Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das to everyone present.

The conventional method of administering medicines with reference to present symptoms doesn’t really cure the patient of the disease or sufferings in the near future.

Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das deliberated further on the principles of real homoeopathy thus the “Go Back “ & genetics based therapeutic procedure the result of his lifetime research work on treatment of the origin cause of any and every disease. Curing an individual out of what he carries in his lineage and ensuring that the trait doesn’t pass on to his next is the absolute purpose.

This book describes in detail this unconventional method of treating the origin cause of the disease the present symptoms of sufferings of a patient being hyperactive manifestation of the same root. So the dominant becomes recessive thus we find a person cured out of it relatively better every day. One becomes more human. With the good traits overcoming the once dominant traits the individual is at good terms and peace within and with all.

The book is available for sale at Stall no. 266 Barta Prakashan & Printing Pvt. Ltd. & 356 The Paul Medical at the book fair.

Smt. Ranieeta Baaha Dash appealed for peace and wished Dr. Shyamal Kumar Das well in his endeavors.

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