The youth, who are the pillars of our society and our future, needs to be driven towards light, away from the dark forces, who are hellbent in destroying that pillar, by corrupting their physical and mental health, with all sorts of addiction and harmful social trends.
Bobby Chakraborty a reputed actor, social activist and a teacher of method acting from Kolkata,has been relentlessly doing just that, fighting against that darkness, over a decade, through his free of cost, globally acclaimed, ‘preventive’ awareness program for the children, titled ‘I AM THE KING OF MY MIND’.

On October 28th, on the eve of Diwali, which is the festival of lights, he rightfully flooded the students or his ‘soldiers’ from Lakshmipat Singhania Academy,of 6th – 8th grades, with a lot of positive rays of hope and guidance, to lead a healthy life, devoid of smoking, alcoholism, smart phone addiction ,online gambling through games,abusive language and online indecency to be popular.

The extremely interactive and impactful session had soldier Kanav Shroff of Class – IX as the official photographer, assisted by soldier Mannan Jhunjhunwala of Class-VI, who was also given the all important title of ‘The 1st Soldier’.
An interesting social experiment called ‘Trendsetting’ , saw soldier Aadhya Daga of Class VII as ‘The Trendsetter’.
The surprise contest at the end had soldiers Udayaan Chakravarty(VII), Darsh Agarwal (VIII) and Avantika Gupta(VII) as the winners, who along with active soldier Kanav were given special prizes, personalised HCF(Health-Career-Family) t-shirts and Community Service Certificates by their beloved ‘Bobby Dada’, through the hands of the socially responsible Director Meena Kak and the extremely enterprising Principal Jaya Misra.
The very fact that this was Bobby’s 9th session in this school proves that the administration, along with the respected Director and The Principal are great supporters of this mission of Bobby, which is the need of the hour.