
BENNEVIS-Diagnostic Center Launched Priviledge Card for Sports Person

Ben Nevis Diagnostic Center is celebrating its first year of operations, by introducing a unique wellness guidance program for senior statesmen across the sporting fraternity. Ben Nevis founder, Dr. Pronab Dasgupta, is well placed to initiate such a program given his background as Current President of East Bengal Football Club, and Past President of Calcutta Cricket & Football Club. Pronab da, as he is fondly addressed by his vast network of friends and patient community, understands that healthcare costs are constantly on the rise and becomes out of reach for sportspersons upon retirement. Ben Nevis Managing Director, Mr. Arnab Dasgupta (son of Pronab da), stated that one of the hallmarks of this initiative, is a privilege card, which will accord generous discounts (in some cases upto 50.0%) on a range of investigations that will be hugely beneficial to the sporting community at large. At the launch of this program was present Dr. Vece Paes and his son, tennis supremo, Leander. Both spoke on the occasion and sounded very enthused about the utility of such a program. Leander commented that physiotherapy which is an essential tool for maintaining muscle strength as ageing accelerates, is becoming cost prohibitive in many instances, and welcomed Ben Nevis taking on the challenge of reducing such costs.

Renowned city-based cardiologists associated with Ben Nevis, Dr. Rizwan Sadique, and Dr K.N. Siddiqui, were quoted as saying that patients need unbiased advice when seeking solutions to their medical ailments. They also stressed that preventive medicine plays a large role in staying healthy past the age of 60 years, and advised that public should undertake a full-body health check-up once every year. Ben Nevis understands that they will now need to reach out to the various sports clubs, to truly extend the reach of this well-meaning initiative.

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