25th November 2022 Kolkata:Indplas’22- Eastern India’s largest exhibition on plastics is being organized at Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan Exhibition Ground, Kolkata from 25th
-28th November 2022. The four-day plastics show organized by Indian Plastics Federation (IPF) will attract more than 150,000 visitors and more than 350 domestic and international exhibitors from 8 countries.
Mr. Pradip Nayyar, Chairman, Indplas 2022 said that; the show regarded as the largest International Exhibition on Plastics in Eastern India and the third largest plastics exhibition in
India. Indplas’22 is organized after a gap of almost four years, provides a platform to Processors, machinery manufacturers, Dealers, Producers, Distributors, Importers and
Indenting Agents of Polymers to showcase their products and processing machinery in more than 200,000 sq fts of covered space.
The revamped Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan Exhibition ground spread over 25 acres, has two pavilions, each offers over a lakh square feet of exhibition space, a three-storey business
block each floor spread over nearly 20,000 square feet and an open space that includes around 2 lakh square feet of greenery. The show ground also offers multi-storied car parking facility, food courts, conference halls and a well-equipped business centre.
Biswa Bangla Mela Prangan is undoubtedly a show piece exhibition ground in Eastern India.
Bengal offers growth opportunities in the plastics sector
West Bengal is the largest state in East India and also regarded as gate-way to the East Indian market, comprises 5,000 units engaged in the manufacturing of end-to-end polymer products from raw material to finished goods. The state produces 2 million tonnes of plastic
products with an estimated turnover of INR 30,000 crore annually, generating direct & indirect employment for 500,000 people.
Mr. Sisir Jalan, President, Indian Plastics Federation (IPF) believes, “The sector continues to grow as about 500 additional units will become operational with an investment of INR 2,500 crore announced during Bengal Global Business Summit 2022 in April, adding production of
150,000 tonnes of plastic products annually. An estimated INR 2,000 crore of additional revenue would be generated from the upcoming units, creating employment for 50,000
Investing in new plastic parks West Bengal is already developing Plastic Parks in various parts of the State in order to give the required fillip to the plastic processing industry. The state offers tremendous growth opportunities as estimated demand for consumer/industrial products is pegged at 5 million tonnes annually. But only 40% of the required demand is met by the local industry, the rest
50% procured from outside the state and remaining 10% imported. Besides majority 70% of the raw material is imported from outside the state.
About 500 units are already operational in various dedicated Poly Parks in the state located at Dhulagarh, Sankrail, Howrah, Jalan Industrial Complex on NH-6 Mumbai Expressway,
Howrah, Kolagachia, Madhyamgram, Behala Industrial Estate.
The Indian Plastic federation with the support of the West Bengal Government proposes to set up a 200 acre Poly Park in and around Kolkata and is already in advance stage of
“The polymer demand in the state is expected to double in the next five years thereby opening opportunities for setting-up strong polymer manufacturing base in Eastern India.
Besides plastics will emerge as the major contributor in the India’s growth story when the
economy doubles to $5 Trillion from the current $2.5 Trillion.” stated Amit Agarwal, Hon.
Secretary Indian Plastic Federation
Focus on the MSME sector
The pandemic is almost over and the economy is ready to bounce back. Our honourable
Prime Minister has already set the target of USD 5 trillion economy by 2025. The industry is
ready to transform itself to Industry 4.0 through automation and digitalisation. This is the
The exhibitions are boosters to the economy. India is the third largest global market for the
plastics. The surging economy and supportive government policies have made India a
polymer super power, but the best is yet to come and we are here to unravel the
opportunities and capitalise on them.
“Bengal has been a frontrunner in setting-up MSME units, which is also regarded as the
biggest game changer in reindustrialisation of the state. The State Government has come up
with concrete plan to implement ease of doing business, where all the queries related to
licenses will be sorted out. We feel that all the serious concerns of the plastics industries
would be sorted out once it is implemented,” stated Prakash Khemani, Press Convenor,
IndPlas 2022.
Plastics to emerge as major contributor in achieving $5 Trillion economy goal
With growing infrastructural development, demand exceeds the total polymers
manufacturing capacity in India, thereby creating a huge demand supply gap for import of
raw material and Import will be a major source of polymers in coming years.
Pandemic opens new opportunities in the plastic sector
Pandemic opened new opportunities and new units came up to manufacture Covid
essentials such as masks, aprons and hospital consumables etc. In the pandemic due to high
infection rates the demand of disposable plastics rose to a new height which supported the
industries to add on the capacity. The availability of easy finance supported by the government was a boon to the industry. The total polymer production of the state has
increased post pandemic.
The polymer industry has taken giant stride forward in spite of the pandemic. Common
perceptions on plastics have now changed. PPE kit, disposable masks, syringes for
vaccination, etc. have all helped humanity in these testing times. Consumer behaviour also
has changed in general. We now need to accelerate and make up for the lost opportunity
and cater to the wants of the consumers.
North East is an emerging market in India
North East India is an emerging market of 400 million people, with the high literacy rate of
above 70%. The region locates strategically in the North East with proximity to vast
contiguous markets of Myanmar, China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines,
Indonesia and other East and South East Asian countries. The fastest growing region with
among the highest growth rate. Lateral growth registered in related industries such as
cement sector, food processing, cold storage and handling, infrastructure and housing,
agriculture, water management and retailing are acting as drivers for the growth in the
Eastern region.
Easy availability of raw material from Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd, Brahmaputra Gas &
Crackers Ltd and Indian Oil Corporation Ltd petrochemical plant at Paradip, Odisha regarded
as an advantage for the investors investing in Bengal and whole North Eastern region.
Number of exhibitors doubled in Indplas’22
The 9th edition of the exhibition would be the largest in terms of exhibitors and space
acquired as number of exhibitors doubled to 350+, occupy four times more space and three-
times more visitor footfall from last edition.
Visitors from all over India and especially from Eastern and North Eastern Indian States like
West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal
Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura and from neighbouring countries like Nepal,
Bangladesh, Bhutan and Myanmar expected to visit the show.
The exhibition is packed with supporting program featuring live machine demonstration,
seminars, theme pavilion etc.
IPF was set up in 1958 with the objective to promote the plastics industry in India. IPF is an
integrated body encompassing all facets of plastics industry and is one of the founder
members of Plastindia Foundation – the apex body of plastics industry in the country. IPF
include major Polymer producers like Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd, Indian Oil Corp.
Ltd, Dhunseri Petrochem & Tea Ltd, Supreme Industries Ltd etc. Large, medium, small and
tiny sector units, dealers, distributors and machine manufacturers also are members of IPF.
There are around 900 members that also include associations from different states. IPF has
also facilitated construction of roads using plastic waste. IPF is dedicated towards the growth and development of plastics industry and also upholds and articulates the interests
of the plastics industry in relevant fora. IPF has constructed a Knowledge Centre on 1.02
acre of land in the 50-acre Poly Park at Sankrail, Howrah. It would greatly facilitate the
development and expansion of the 200 manufacturing units located within a radius of
20 kms with consumption of over 10,000 MT per annum.